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Ishaq Al - Hawari

Ishaq Al - Hawari

Certified Islam Scholar

Answered 24151 | Rating 97.5%

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Salamo alaykom, me and my husband had a huge...

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Salamo alaykom, me and my husband had a huge argument last night.. he was sleeping and I woke him up fighting and he was very angry and didn't know what he was saying and he ended up divorcing me twice.. how does this work in Islam? can we continue together snd work on things or are we fully separated and officially divorced? I am also menstruating. He didn't know what he was saying out of anger and regrets it very badly as we both don't want a divorce. He said "انت طالق فاهمة، انت طالق"

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Expert's Answer: Ishaq Al - Hawari

Ishaq Al - Hawari

Ishaq Al - Hawari

Certified Islam Scholar

Answered 24151 | Rating 98%

Praise be to Allah, and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah , and upon his family, companions and those who followed him.
If the husband utters the divorce word, then the divorce takes place as soon as he utters it, and it is only considered one divorce word even if he repeats the word, and the divorce of anger is null. Knowing that, most husbands say the divorce word when they are angry, unless the anger is severe and pushes him to say and do what he does not realize. As for the menstruating woman who gets divorced, it is a heretical, but it is a valid divorce, keep in mind that menstruation does not prevent the occurrence of divorce. Therefore, and in your case, if it is the first or second word of divorce, he can rectify it with saying I take you back as my wife, but if the waiting period ends, he must have a new dowry and marriage contract, but if it is the third time of saying the divorce word, then it is not permissible to get her back, unless she marries another man, this is a rule because the issue of divorce is not an easy matter, and it is not solved simply by the written fatwas, So it is necessary to go to the Sharia court, for the judge to look into your case, then issue a judgment for you.

Ask the Certified Islam Scholar

Ishaq Al - Hawari

Ishaq Al - Hawari

Certified Islam Scholar

Answered 24151 | Rating 97.5%

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