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Ashraf Al-Mohtaseb

Ashraf Al-Mohtaseb

IT Specialist

Answered 29441 | Rating 98.6%

Computer/IT Expert

Hello a stray cat that I feed in my area has been...

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Hello a stray cat that I feed in my area has been attacked by either a dog or another cat , there are 3 small punctures on his leg , I applied butadiene to avoid infection , he refuses to eat food now, what should I do ?

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Expert's Answer: Husam Murtaja

Husam Murtaja

Husam Murtaja


Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%

It is best to continue using betadine locally twice daily for 3-4 days to Avoid inflammatory complications in cat leg, also irecommend buying an antibiotics such as amoxicillin-Betamox 100ml give her orally 1 cc daily for 3-5 days, and diclofen ingection 1 cc  IM daily for 3 days
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Ashraf Al-Mohtaseb

Ashraf Al-Mohtaseb

IT Specialist

Answered 29441 | Rating 98.6%

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