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Ishaq Al - Hawari

Ishaq Al - Hawari

Certified Islam Scholar

Answered 24151 | Rating 97.5%

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If the deceased left behind a wife two daughter...

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If the deceased left behind a wife two daughter and a widowed daughter in law with her two daughters. What is the inheritance law according to shariah in india

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Expert's Answer: Ishaq Al - Hawari

Ishaq Al - Hawari

Ishaq Al - Hawari

Certified Islam Scholar

Answered 24151 | Rating 97.7%

Praise be to Allah, and blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions and those who follow him, and there after: Know, may Allah have mercy on you, that if the heirs are limited to a wife and two daughters and the wife of a deceased son and her two daughters, then the division is:
Wife: It has EIGHTH.
The two daughters: two-thirds.
The rest of the estate is returned to the two daughters in response, and the rest do not inherit anything.
Finally, you should refer to the Sharia court to decide on such issue, because Inheritance cases have to be limited and calculated right.
Allah Almighty Know best and wise. 
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Customer Reply

I believe my query was not explained clearly. The deceased has wife and two daughter and a son. The son of the deceased also passed away and is left with his two daughters ( grand children of the deceased) Do the widowed wife of the son and his two daughters (grandchildren of the deceased) have a share in the property.

Expert's Answer: Ishaq Al - Hawari

Ishaq Al - Hawari

Ishaq Al - Hawari

Certified Islam Scholar

Answered 24151 | Rating 97.7%

As we previously explained in detail, the son’s wife and his daughters do not inherit.

Ask the Certified Islam Scholar

Ishaq Al - Hawari

Ishaq Al - Hawari

Certified Islam Scholar

Answered 24151 | Rating 97.5%

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