إسأل Astrologist الآن

Ayyah Faried

Ayyah Faried


الأسئلة المجابة 211674 | نسبة الرضا 98.3%



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إجابة الخبير: Ayyah Faried

Ayyah Faried

Ayyah Faried


الأسئلة المجابة 211674 | نسبة الرضا 98.3%

بناء على اختيارك برج الحمل سوف أطلعك على صفات البرج من كافة النواحي: إذا كان اختيارك خاطئ أو تريد الاستفسار عن برج جديد او عن نواحي أخرى، يرجى الرد على الإجابة وسوف أعاود الإجابة على جميع استفساراتك.
نظرة عامة على البرج:
ينتمي برج الحمل لمجموعة الأبراج النارية، يتمتع بالحيوية والنشاط، بالطاقة الكبيرة التي تدفعه للأمام دوما، بدون كلل أو ملل، يندفع مولود الحمل بكامل غريزته ليلبي متطلباته، وليحقق آماله وطموحاته حتى في أنانيته كما الأطفال، يحب تملك الأشياء ولا يعير اهتماما لرأي الآخرين، ومن أبرز ملامحه: العاطفة الملتهبة، مشتعل على الدوام، ومن الصعب إخماد عاطفته ومشاعره بسهولة؛ فطبيعته نارية، يفضل اللون الأحمر ويعشق الألماس ويعتبره الحجر الكريم المفضل لديه، وصريح، ويتسم بالعنفوان أيضا، قوي الإرادة والتصميم، كما لا يتراجع عن قراراته، بل يؤمن بأفكاره بشدة ومن الصعب أن يعترف بخطئه.
توقعات البرج لهذه السنة:
تبدأ السنة الجديدة لمواليد برج الحمل بطريقة مدروسة جيدًا، كما ستكون هناك مفاجأة لمواليد برج الحمل أيضًا في هذا العام 2020 وليس بالضرورة أن تكون مفاجأة سلبية بل ستكون إيجابية بأمر الله تعالى ولذلك عليكم تهيئة أنفسكم لاستقبال تلك المفاجأة واستيعابها، والأكثر حظًا في توقعات الأبراج 2020 من برج الحمل هم مواليد 9 و10 إبريل
الناحية المهنية والمادية:
كل الطاقات الإيجابية في العمل لصالح مولود الحمل هذا العام، ولكن يجب عليه المثابرة واختيار مهنه عملية يوجد بها حركه دائمة، والابتعاد عن الأعمال المكتبية والتي قد تضطر الحمل للجلوس خلف الحاسوب لساعات كثيرة؛ لأنه لن يكون محظوظا بها، وأفضل أيام الشهر (7 و12 و17 و28 )، ويجب أن تكون راضيا عن نفسك بعد أن تؤدي واجبا هاما تجاه الآخرين وتساعدهم ماديا، وتشعر بالفخر والاعتزاز والراحة النفسية، وستحصل على مال لم تكن تتوقعه.
الناحية العاطفية:
هذا العام هو عام الصداقات المزدهرة، ولكن لا يوجد علاقات عاطفية جديدة، وخاصة في بداية العام، أما بحلول الربيع، والصيف، ستخوض علاقات جديدة إن كنت خالي القلب، أو تتحرر من علاقة روتينية أرهقتك، وتمارس سحرك، وجاذبيتك، وقد تلتقي بشريك أجنبي أثناء رحلة عمل أما إن كنت مرتبطا فقد يرجع الماضي، ويتسبب ببعض النزاعات بينك وبين الشريك.
الناحية الصحية:
يجب على الحمل الاهتمام بشكل أكبر بصحته هذا العام لأنه معرض لكثير من النكسات الصحية وقد يحتاج في أوقات كثيرة إلى من حوله لمعاونته على القيام من جديد في حال حدث وانتكست صحته، كما وينبغي الالتزام من جانبه بالأغذية الصحية والرياضة الدائمة .
يمكنك تحميل تطبيق جواب لمتابعة استفسارك مباشرة مع الخبير، كما يمكنك التواصل مع خبراء مختصين في أكتر من 16مجال بالإضافة إلى مواضيع أخرى يومية من خلال الضغط على هذا الرابط.
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إجابة الخبير: Ayyah Faried

Ayyah Faried

Ayyah Faried


الأسئلة المجابة 211674 | نسبة الرضا 98.3%

Based on your choice to ARIES, I will acquaint you to the characteristics of the sign in all aspects. If your choice is incorrect or you wish to inquire about a new zodiac or further details, please reply to the answer and we will respond to your inquiries.
Overview on ARIES Zodiac:
Aries belong to a group of the Fire-signed zodiacs. It has a lot of activism and vitality. He / she shall have a great quantity of power that pushes him / her always without tiresome. The new born Aries rushes with his / her full instinct to meet his requirements, to achieve his hopes and aspirations even in his selfishness like children, he / she loves to own things and does not pay attention to the opinion of others. One of its most important features is the firing passion, always burning, and it is difficult to easily suppress his / her affection and feelings. His / her nature is fiery, he / she prefers the color red and loves diamonds, as it is his / her favorite precious stone.
Frank, and featured with as aggressive as well, strong will and determination, as he / she does not back down from his / her decisions, but believes strongly in his ideas and it is hard on him / her to admit his mistakes, and it is hereby one of the negatives in him / her, but his true self is contrary to his / her solidity, he / she is kind-hearted, tolerant, loving to others and hates unjust acts. He / she is influenced by Mars planet, which gives him / her openness and positivity. His / her favorite number is 9, as reflected by Libra Zodiac, and he / she agrees with the fiery Sagittarius and Leo, while he / she does not agree with the Cancer and Capricorn Zodiacs.
The Zodiac Expectations on this year (2020):
The New Year begins for Aries born in a well-accurate manner, and there will be a surprise for Aries born also in 2020 and not necessarily a negative surprise, but it will be positive by Allah's will and therefore you have to prepare yourselves to receive such surprise and apprehend it. The most fortunate in the expectations of the this horoscope of 2020 for Aries are those who were born on 9 and 10 of April.
Career Expectations:
All positive energies in work for a newborn baby in this year, but he / she must persevere and choose a practical career in which there is a constant moves, and keep away from office work, which may force the Aries to sit behind the computer for many hours, it will not be lucky with such action.
Financial Expectations:
The best days of the month (7, 12, 17, and 28), you are satisfied with yourself after you perform important duties toward others and help them financially, and you feel proud and psychologically comfort, and you will get money that you did not expect to get much more than what was provided of assistance. Perhaps you will be at the beginning of the month worried losing an important opportunity offered to you previously and set conditions for acceptance even though it provides you with extra financial income. Be calm and patient and you will get it because the horoscope hides you a surprise, that you will be the strongest and the most fortunate. You will get the opportunities and successes that make you blush with vitality and you shall go towards achieving your goals. Lucky number.
Emotional Expectations:
This year is the year of prosperous friendships, but there are no new emotional relationships, especially at the beginning of the year, but by spring and summer, you will have new relationships, if your heart is free, or have been through a break up from a routine relationship that exhausted you, use your charm, your attractiveness, and you might meet a foreign partner during a business trip. If you give the chance, you may return to the past, and cause some conflicts between you and the ex-partner. As for the next marriage, there will be some material problems in life, and the Zodiac warns on a problem that may occur with a Capricorn, cancer, or Libra baby born.
Health Expectations:
Aries should pay more attention to their health this year because they are exposed to many health setbacks and may need in a lot of times to those around them to help o rise again in case of their health. Also, you have to commit to eat healthy food and practice sports always.
The most horoscopes compatible with the Aries
Sagittarius: The compatibility between you two is great because you love the great dynamic nature that the Aries baby have, just as you love the cheerful spirit and the positive energy that always supplies and charges you with. You share a love of freedom and nature, so they form a wonderful duo.
Aquarius: The nature of the Aquarius excites who are loving others gives to the child who lives inside the Aries. He / she clings to it in a way that the child clings to his / her mother, or to the toy that he / she sleeps with it next to him at night, and the Aquarius really understands that and provides him / her with love that is similar to his personality.
Libra: The nature of Libra which gives people the right opinions and messages of goodness and reforming people, Libra born people attract Aries born ones, and they revive the sense of responsibility of them in marriage and attachment to a person who will be fair in all life matters, and he / she will not oppress or force him / her at all.
The Zodiacs with the least compatible with Aries
Taurus: Taurus, by his / her practical nature, serious, earthly in its life, does not comply with Aries born who take recklessness and impulsion. The rules that the Taurus sets for the relationship do not fit the nature of Aries that loves freedom and seeks it.
Scorpio: Aries generally do not like mystery, and Scorpios are the people of mystery and its source, so what about a person who refuses to decipher his / her codes in front of someone, the nature of the mysterious aura does not provoke the Aries born people to discover them at all, but on the contrary completely repels him / her.
The Aries Women Features
She is characterized with a magic and charisma, her style is unique and others cannot resist her wishes, very sensitive, and cannot accept criticism, so for others they have to choose the words carefully in talking to her. She is hasty, her impulsion appears in her walking pattern as well. Her decisions indicate on her haste, she quickly get excited and quickly forget, she loves to laugh, she has a beautiful, smile, childish, and her actions may be slightly get childish, but she's have intelligence and independency, she loves gatherings and has many friends, optimistic person, her positivity overwhelms her personality. The circumstances cannot conquer her, so she sees it as a place and adapts with them. She is a good mother, yes, she loves and supports her children. She is always willing to do everything she can to serve them, this is how she bears in her heart the love and passion.
Aries Men' Features:
The man of the Aries is distinguished by the strong leadership personality, cheerful spirit, and an attractive look. He is among the most enthusiastic and brave of the other constellations, he tends to experience strange and exciting things. He is intrepid and entrepreneur, he does not fear difficulties nor the consequences of them, his confidence in himself and his capabilities are very high scaled, and he can be depended on in the most difficult and delicate matters. He is a man of dare, an accomplished and tactful speaker, loved by those around. He is very popular because of his attractiveness and distinguished personality.

إسأل Astrologist

Ayyah Faried

Ayyah Faried


الأسئلة المجابة 211674 | نسبة الرضا 98.3%

  • 100% ضمان الرضا
  • انضم الى 8 مليون من العملاء الراضين
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