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Dr. Mohammad Audeh

Dr. Mohammad Audeh

Certified Islam Scholar

Answered 52739 | Rating 97.7%

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on what day of the week did Jesus appeared to his...

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on what day of the week did Jesus appeared to his desiples after he resurrected?
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explanation about the appearance of Jesus to his desiples

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Expert's Answer: Dr. Mohammad Audeh

Dr. Mohammad Audeh

Dr. Mohammad Audeh

Certified Islam Scholar

Answered 52739 | Rating 97.6%

Praise is to Allah. We seek refuge in Him. He is not misguided. He who is guided by Allah no one shall mislead him, and no one shall guide a misleading person. I testify that there is no god but Allah, who has no partner and that Muhammad is His servant and His Messenger.
My honorable customer,
I would like to inform you the below points:
  • The Bible, which is used nowadays has a lot of distortion, and there are many evidences for that.
  • Jesus is the prophet of Allah and he was sent to Israel people, and he is human being not a god. The text from bible “When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city was troubled, and asked, "Who is this?" 11 Then the multitudes answered: "This is the prophet Jesus of Naserah Al Galil".
  • Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, was not crucified from the original, how did he awake from his death in the meantime, and the proof of that is: In the Gospel of Luke: Chapter 24: (As they speak this Jesus stood himself in their midst and said to them, 37 And they said, "Behold, I am my flesh, and see; the Spirit has no flesh and bones, as you see me." 40 And when he said this, I saw them with his hands and his feet. 41 And while they were unbelievers, He said to them, "I will come here to eat food." 42 They took him part of a grilled fish, and something of the honey he saw 43 he took and ate in front of them” to prove to them that he had not died at all because they did not see him crucified.
  • The day on which they claim to have risen to his disciples is on Sunday as in the Gospel of John.
  • We advise you to look at the true religion of Allah and look at the contradictions around you, and search for the religion of Islam, and we are ready to answer any query comes to your mind related to Islam.
I ask Allah to guide you to what He loves and pleases, and to go beyond the evils of your deeds and to enter us and you in His mercy.
Hope that our answer was useful and clear enough for you, if you have any questions then don’t hesitate to ask and we will answer with pleasure. You can evaluate the expert answer at the top of the page in order to improve the quality and provide the best experts to help you in the proper way. 

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Dr. Mohammad Audeh

Dr. Mohammad Audeh

Certified Islam Scholar

Answered 52739 | Rating 97.7%

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