What's the couse of brucellosis, signs, symptoms and treatment in cattle .Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
What are the causes fungle infections, signs, symptoms and treatment in cattle .Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
My 2 month rabbit doesn't want to eat or drink, standing at the corner of the cage, doesn't want to move or....Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
مرحباً! كيف يمكنني المساعدة في سؤالك الطبي؟ علاج كتر التبول عند الخيل هل رأيت طبيب حول هذا حتى الآن؟ ماهي....Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
Plzz my cat sick.Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
Can my puppy dog eat on a hight table standing on his legs and hands put upwards on the table? I did that....Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
انا عندي قط شيرازي هيمالايا بيرجع ريحه وحشه اوي وعنده اسهال ومش بيكل ومش عارفه اعمل حاجه .Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
how iwill do if my cat is not pup and peeing and the balls is swallen .Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
how can i do if my cat is not pup and peeing .Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
how iwill do if my cat is not peeing and pup.Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
Hello, I have an 8 week old Persian kitten, she had a cold and I took her to the vet where she got an....Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
Hello, I have an 8 week old Persian kitten, she had a cold and I took her to the vet where she got an....Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
Hello, I have an 8 week old Persian kitten, she had a cold and I took her to the vet where she got an....Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
Hello, I have an 8 week old Persian kitten, she had a cold and I took her to the vet where she got an....Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
My budgeriger (bird)is not able to stand/stretch on her legs. There is no injury .Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
so basically i have a stray kitten (about 1 month old) and ive been taking care of her, yesterday, she fell....Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
dndjdjdjfufu.Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
so basically .Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
so basically i have a kitten about 1 month old that jumped from the second floor (yesterday), it was okay....Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
My dogs eye is red he can barley open it and it has a cloudy spot in the middle of it.Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
Hello My dog is 12 month non neutered Since few days he was not feeling good and lazy he get tired quickly....Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
My cat is having lose motions and vomiting what should I give him?.Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
<img src='https://s3.jawab.app/chat/images/2022/04/04/H4upNlNG48s5GvfgACvXtGmPnaNsyRPTQQe6E6fu.jpeg'....Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
كلبي رجع امبارح ٣ مرات ترجيع اصفر بعدها حطتله اكل مرضيش باكل انهاردة مرجعش حاجة بس مازال مش راضي ياكل.Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
يأخذ قبل السابق بكام ساعه.Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
My cat is in labor.Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
My cat got injected today I didn't know it's in a wrong place when we came home he couldn't walk at all, the....Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
Hai doctor my cat one eye has some issue one eye winked and tears fow he cant open one eye properly. Yestuday....Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
my cat has kidney failure 3 stage he is taking (renal cure) and a solution as his nit eating due to gingivi....Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
https://s3.jawab.app/chat/audios/2021/12/05/7l2x6flht4M7QN7eY5vne6na53mTy9CSmnIe1Kxx.aac.Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
I want to know promo daily nonstop plant.Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
my risarg blens cat.Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
https://s3.jawab.app/chat/audios/2021/10/06/sqWExXQMjrqrssHU8juUKFM2w4aAYt26a21hxsyS.m4a.Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
The cat is dead. How do you raise her children?.Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
I gave both my cats food and they both started throwing up right after. Should I avoid giving them this type....Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
Hello my dog Maltese bread jumped from a height feels no pain but limps on one leg and hops while running .Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
My cat fell from the first floor on his stomach, he meowed for 5 seconds then stopped . will he be fine? .Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
السلام عليكم طائر الكوكتيل مريض بينام كتير و بيعطس كتير و صوته راح ما العلاج .Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
مساء الخير كلبي نوعه كوكر سبانيال عمره ٣ سنين و نصف بيعاني من فتره في عدم انتظام البراز مره كل يومين و يوجد....Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
i think my cat is missing a claw - i cant see anything. he is walking fine but flinches when i touch it. .Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
<img src='https://s3.jawab.app/chat/images/2021/06/11/LRpgLlaMaavTaJtwhrabMxevECRHews0HFozSynp.jpeg'....Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
<img src='https://s3.jawab.app/chat/images/2021/06/11/JprmtV2HbWDEsb27GWT26nQbyM8KrT62TicQu6cZ.jpeg'....Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
Onion seeds.Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
<img src='https://s3.jawab.app/chat/images/2021/05/13/WdnjhN88FeCQbqWBOewDi5zSQ0WBmruv4TPMuNJD.jpeg'....Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
hello.my dog is chaising his tail.since 2days ago.i watched some videos about that.but i think its not good....Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
Our cat been vomiting since yesterday , no appetite to eat, little weak.. what can i as remedy? Planning to go....Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
Hi Dr which injection I will us for cow after delivery clean her stomach. .Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
Which injection I will us for cow after delivery clean his stomach. .Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
Hallo doc. Pls help me, one of my bunnies eye lid is having infection. What medicine can be used and any....Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
What medicine can be given to my bunny for eye lid infection .Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
My pet is 7 years old Yorkshire Terrier snd suddenly his right rear leg was in pain while out fr a walk and....Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
My pet is 7 years old Yorkshire Terrier snd suddenly his right rear leg was in pain while out fr a walk and....Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
Hello I have a Yorkshire Terrier he suddenly started limping and in is pain during a walk so what can we do .Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
Hi my dog stomach is bloated on one side. He has gone to Pee for long. Almost 5 mins each time. He is running....Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
Hello a stray cat that I feed in my area has been attacked by either a dog or another cat , there are 3 small....Read more

Ashraf Al-Mohtaseb
IT Specialist
Answered 29441 | Rating 98.6%
My kitten vomited green liquid twice she didn't eat or drink from yesterday she is not moving just lying and....Read more

Ashraf Al-Mohtaseb
IT Specialist
Answered 29441 | Rating 98.6%
I have a Persian 3 year old cat , one week ago I gave him his yearly vaccine and a worm pill ever since he got....Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
Which medicine to use after horse blood transfusion to prevent infection.Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
Which medicine to use after blood transfusion of horses to prevent infection .Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
Which medicine to use after blood transfusion to prevent infection .Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
My dog is limping from her hind leg..Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
I have a cat they miss hame I don't know how to find her home.Read more

Mohye Eldeen Rasheed
Answered 16156 | Rating 97.9%
i have an 8 month old persian cat. she was playing near my window sill and fell on her leg on my sofa. she....Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
Can I have a cat?.Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
I want 1 cat please .Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
Is ceftriaxone given for 5 days is nessesary after a suturing a wound in a cat? And is there anything else i....Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
White discharge from horse nose after Kanter training. خراج أبيض مخاطي يخرج من أنف الحصان بعد الشغل كنتر. .Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
<img src='https://s3.jawab.app/chat/images/2020/07/29/LnuMBqfJjZqaqjML44Bl4JkER7jRuTWol1sbXgXf.png'....Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
<img src='https://s3.jawab.app/chat/images/2020/07/29/xMkqEnq3KIkFFgjbyg6PAxUmNmto37wBn4AEeT6h.png'....Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
<img src='https://s3.jawab.app/chat/images/2020/07/29/EwbPAWNxEHwBp37SUbk6YpVF5qXYEB8vfBKPCciq.png'....Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
hi sir what is donkey blood group plzzz tell.me .Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
I need a. Small. Dog.Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
I need. A. Small. Dog.Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
Hi plz hlp me.Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
Hello doctor my cat is having allergy and some parts of his body are bleeding also because of allergy so....Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
Hello doctor my cat is having so much allergy near is ears and some body parts and it sometimes starts....Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
Hey my cat have fungal infection from last 10 days, giving the required medicines from the vet. Now he is....Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
I have baby bird which still hairs are not complete today morning i woke up i saw where food stores in birds....Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
I have male sengal bird and today i have buyed another young female sengal bird she is that young still little....Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
I have male sengal bird and today i have buyed another young female sengal bird still and female is young....Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
My bird is scartching her body too much and smell bad.Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
My puppy eats his poop a lot .Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
I want doctor for my cat.Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
What do u feed an indian ringneck ....can u feed them rice?.Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
Asalam Alaikum .Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
How can i get that medicine .Read more

Dr. Raneem Al Qddah
Answered 15152 | Rating 98.5%
My parrot fainted because he was in the sun for to long the woke up with constebt pooling and can't gat up.Read more

Husam Murtaja
Answered 14704 | Rating 98.9%
السلام عليكم، عندي قطة شيرازي عمرها 7 اشهر ، صارلها ثلاث ايام تصدر اصوات مواء عديدة طوال اليل و تقف امام باب....Read more